Can CBD Make My Dogs More Anxious And Helpful Techniques

As pet lovers, we always strive for the best for our beloved buddies, making questions like “Can CBD make my dogs more anxious” a common concern among pet owners. Unfortunately, dogs can experience anxiety, just like humans. Separation, loud noises, or traumatic events are just a few examples of the many things that might make your dog anxious.

Although there are a variety of medicines that may be used to treat anxiety in dogs, many pet owners are opting for CBD oil as a natural alternative. The possibility that CBD oil for dogs can exacerbate their anxiety, however, may make some pet owners hesitant to give it a try. In this blog, we will examine whether puppy CBD can increase dog anxiety and offer calming techniques to protect and improve the health and well-being of our four-legged friends.

What is Anxiety in Dogs?

Dog and anxiety

Anxiety in dogs is a behavioral issue characterized by excessive and persistent fear or apprehension. Dogs that suffer from anxiety may display a variety of symptoms, such as excessive barking, aggression, pacing, trembling, and destructive behavior. Many elements, including heredity, environment, and prior experiences, might contribute to canine anxiety.

If your dog is healthy, but has anxiety, taking note of their individual signs of anxiety or fear as well as the circumstances they’re in when symptoms strike can help you get to the bottom of it. It’s always a good idea to visit your vet first and rule out any illness or injury as a cause first.

Can CBD Make My Dog More Anxious?

cbd oil for dog in anxiety

CBD and dogs have a close relationship when it comes to disease treatment. Some pet owners, meanwhile, might worry that CBD oil might exacerbate their dog’s nervousness. While there is no definitive answer, it is important to understand how CBD oil works in dogs and the potential side effects.

1. How Does CBD Work in Dogs?

CBD or cannabidiol is a common compound in cannabis plants. CBD is not psychoactive and does not result in a “high”. The body’s endocannabinoid system, which is in charge of regulating a range of physiological and mental processes, is how CBD works.

2. Possible Side Effects of CBD in Dogs

There are some potential negative effects to be aware of even though CBD is mostly thought to be safe for dogs. Drowsiness, dry mouth, or diarrhea are possible symptoms in certain dogs. In rare cases, dogs may experience an allergic reaction to CBD oil. It is important to start with a small dosage and monitor your dog closely for any adverse reactions.

3. Can CBD Make Dogs More Anxious?

Yes, in some cases, CBD can make your dog more anxious, but it isn’t common. Research shows that THC has the potential to cause anxiety, even though CBD relieves it.

If you’re thinking about giving CBD to your dog, it’s important to start with a low dose and monitor your dog’s behavior closely. You should stop using the medication and consult your veterinarian if your dog experiences any indications of increasing anxiety or other negative side effects.

Can I Give My Dog THC for Anxiety?


THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is another compound found in cannabis plants. Less than 0.3% of the THC in full-spectrum hemp extract is sufficient to provide medicinal advantages but not enough to make you high.

THC is psychotropic and can cause a “high,” in contrast to CBD. Even though it has been shown to have some certain medical benefits, it is not recommended to give THC to dogs for anxiety. THC can be poisonous to dogs and causes a range of health problems, such as breathing difficulties, low blood pressure, and even coma or death.

How Much CBD Oil Should I Give My Dog for Anxiety?

dog cbd oil

Depending on your dog’s size and weight, there are different dosage considerations for CBD oil in dogs. Starting with a low dosage and gradually increasing it is crucial to getting the desired results. The dosage may also change based on the type of CBD oil you’re using, its purity, and how tense your dog is.

What To Do When CBD Makes My Dog More Anxious?

anxiety in dog

If CBD makes your dog more anxious, you might try some of the following remedies

  • Lower the CBD Oil Dosage for Anxiety: The actual dosage amount will depend on the size of your dog and the product strength. Follow the manufacturer’s dosing guidelines for the appropriate product strength as well as your dog’s size.
    Although it may appear that anxious dogs require a large dose to settle down, only a small amount is necessary. Try lowering the amount of the CBD product to see if your pup’s anxiety decreases.
  • Other Practical Tips: Providing a safe and comfortable environment, playing calming music, and using pheromone sprays can all help reduce anxiety in dogs. Dogs can benefit from the use of techniques like counterconditioning and desensitization in the treatment of anxiety.


The most frequently asked questions regarding can CBD make my dogs more anxious are listed below

What is Anxiety in Dogs?

Anxiety in dogs is a behavioral issue characterized by excessive and persistent fear or apprehension. Many elements, including heredity, environment, and prior experiences, might contribute to canine anxiety.

Can CBD Make My Dog More Anxious?

Yes, in some cases, CBD can make your dog more anxious, but it isn’t common. Research shows that THC has the potential to cause anxiety, even though CBD relieves it.

Can I Use THC for Anxiety in Dogs?

Even though it has been shown to have some certain medical benefits, it is not recommended to give THC to dogs for anxiety. THC can be poisonous to dogs and causes a range of health problems, such as breathing difficulties, low blood pressure, and even coma or death.

What Can I Do When CBD Makes My Dogs More Anxious?

There are 2 main tips: The first is to lower the CBD oil dosage and the other way is practical tips including changing the lifestyle, providing a safe and comfortable environment, playing calming music, and using pheromone sprays can all help reduce anxiety in dogs.


Can CBD make my dogs more anxious is a frequently asked question among pet owners. If used cautiously and wisely, CBD oil will be a safe and effective treatment for canine anxiety. CBD oil is typically viewed as safe for dogs, despite the possibility of some unfavorable consequences.

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